918 B

+++ indieweb_type = "note" tags = [] date = "2018-05-07T08:13:00Z" attachment = [] original = "" +++ tbh like 90% of my day-to-day angst against capitalism is from how shit the smartphone market has become. if capitalism is so great then where the fuck is my <70mm-wide phone with a removable battery? fucking profit motives means that the entire market has abandoned me. I haven't been satisfied with any phone since 2010. hell, I'd buy an updated Nexus One with newer, more efficient internals.

"capitalism brought you your smartphone!" yeah, and that phone /fucking sucks/.

I wish I could build my own phone or have one built to spec, but alas, I do not own a machining and assembly factory, and I don't have the requisite circuitry knowledge... if only I could, I dunno, cooperate with some like-minded people, and we had public ownership of those factories...