<h1class="page-title">I manage the knowledge bases for a company with many subsidiaries and numerous enterprise applications within their portfolios.</h1>
<p>Trilogy is the parent company of many other companies, and the list keeps growing.</p>
<li>GFI Software</li>
<li>...and more</li>
<p>Chiefly, Trilogy manages all of these companies under the banner of a Central Support Team, consisting of L1 and L2 support agents.</p>
<p>Above the support agents are the <strong>Product Knowledge Curators.</strong></p>
<p>This role is also promoted as a <strong>Senior Technical Writer</strong> position, due to the nature of the work being performed by the PKCs.</p>
<p>This is a full-time contract position, with hiring, interviewing, productivity tracking, and weekly payments handled through the Crossover for Work platform (owned by Trilogy).</p>
<p>Being responsible for several products under the banner of Central Support means that I have to quickly and rapidly learn new products with limited information.</p>
<pclass="card__text">Solution articles are written to deal with a unique problem-solution pair. These articles contain an overview of the problem and its diagnosed symptoms, as well as the documented solution.</p>
<pclass="card__text">Troubleshooting articles are based on troubleshooting steps within tickets that have the same symptoms, but multiple different possible solutions. These articles contain a flowchart with various steps.</p>
<h3class="subtitle">Training and certifying support agents.</h3>
<p>Based on the amassed product knowledge within the articles written throughout the above process, I create training units within a learning management system, consisting of either a test or a task based on each article/ticket pair.</p>