+++ +++ # Ideas for extensions and differences from current implementations ## max followers https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/20089 max followers? mastodon has a MAX_FOLLOWS and MAX_FOLLOW_RATIO so why not MAX_FOLLOWERS ## Webfinger Content-Type of activitystreams profile i wonder if setting a Content-Type of `"application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""` instead of `"application/activity+json"` would break anything ## Message type Message is an IntransitiveActivity? ```yaml id: https://alice.social/activities/1 actor: https://alice.social type: Message to: https://bob.social content: "hello bob" ``` could also be a regular Activity, where `object` is the conversation or room? ```yaml id: https://alice.social/activities/1 actor: https://alice.social type: Message object: https://alice.social/rooms/1 to: https://alice.social/rooms/1/audience content: "hello room" ``` instead of making it transitive, we could swap `object` for `context` which is a bit more semantically correct if pointing to a collection? ```yaml id: https://alice.social/activities/1 actor: https://alice.social type: Message to: https://alice.social/rooms/1/audience content: "hello room" context: https://alice.social/rooms/1 ``` or have both `object` and `context`? ```yaml id: https://alice.social/activities/1 actor: https://alice.social type: Message object: https://alice.social/rooms/1 to: https://alice.social/rooms/1/audience content: "hello room" context: https://alice.social/rooms/1/context ``` ## distribution model [tldr i should choose if i want my reply to go to my followers, or their followers, or just them, or all of the above, or whatever] direct addressing should be better supported alice makes a post and sends it to her followers or whatever. optionally it can be made available to the public? ```yaml id: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094/activity/1 actor: alice.example type: Create object: id: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094 type: Note content: "hello world" audience: Public # could be alice.example/followers instead cc: [alice.example/followers, Public] ``` bob replies to alice, they send that to alice only, and *maybe* optionally to their followers. **this should be up to the user (bob).** ```yaml id: bob.example/94378256423895476238954/activity/1 actor: bob.example type: Create object: id: bob.example/94378256423895476238954 type: Note inReplyTo: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094 content: "hi i'm bob" audience: Public to: [alice.example] cc: [alice.example/followers, bob.example/followers] # alice's followers will be inbox-forwarded if alice allows it ``` alice can then choose to redistribute that reply. **this should be up to the recipient (alice)** and also **this should be made clear to the replier (bob)** ```yaml id: alice.example/7659804769058743906/activity/1 actor: alice.example type: Announce object: bob.example/94378256423895476238954 cc: [alice.example/followers, bob.example] ``` note that alice might allow bob's replies to be automatically redistributed, if alice trusts bob. bob may not want his reply to be redistributed though ```yaml id: bob.example/15789436589346/activity/1 actor: bob.example type: Create object: id: bob.example/15789436589346 # may be excluded but could be better to explicitly specify as null. if provided, will return 401 Not Authorized if you do HTTP GET type: Note inReplyTo: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094 content: "i'm gay. don't tell anyone" audience: alice.example to: [alice.example] ``` alice can reply to bob's private reply, but no one else can see that reply bob might also make his reply explicitly anonymous and transient by using id: null or not providing id alice's reply SHOULD NOT target her followers, although she is capable of doing so. **this should be an explicit decision.** ### maybe objects shouldn't be inlined tho spritely magenc golem ocappub etc etc etc ```yaml id: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094/activity/1 actor: alice.example type: Create object: alice.example/54078934249073290847321094 # how to fetch this? cc: [alice.example/followers, Public] ```