+++ +++ # Activity an Activity is just an object that has an `actor` {{}} ## what does it mean to be an Activity for C2S: do not wrap it in a Create when it gets POSTed to outbox ## implementations ### mastodon supported activity types - Accept (accept a follow request) - Add (adds hashtag or status to featured collection) - Announce (reblog a status) - Block (block an account) - Create (create a message or status) - Delete (delete account or status) - Flag (report accounts and/or statuses) - Follow (request to follow a local account) - Like (favourite a status) - Move (migrate an account's followers) - Reject (reject follow request or remove follower) - Remove (removes hashtag or status from featured collection) - Undo (undoes some activities if possible) - Update (update account info or edit a status) #### extended logic - **Accept** - **Accept Follow** -- authorize a follow request - (when relay is findable by `object` as follow_activity_id) - (when `object` is uri of existing follow request) - (when `object` is embedded Follow) - **Accept Follow ``** - **Add** - (must have `target`) - (`target` must be a `toot:featured` collection) - (`object` must be inlined?) - **Add Hashtag to `target`** -- feature a hashtag - (takes `object.name` and removes prefix `#`) - (creates FeaturedTag entity for the `actor`'s account) - **Add `object` to `target`** -- pin a status - (`object` must be transformable to status) - (status must be authored by `actor`) - (status must not already be pinned) - **Announce** - (must be related to local activity) - (i.e. `actor` followed by local accounts) - (or requested through relay) - (or `object` refers to a status whose account is local) - (`object` resolves to a status) - **Announce `object`** -- creates a reblog of a status - (stop if:) - (no status) - (status not boostable) - (requested through relay) - (find existing reblog or create) - **Block** - (`object` resolves to an account) - (the resolved account exists and is local) - **Block `object`** -- block an account - (unfollow the `object`) - (force `object` to unfollow you) - (reject any follow requests from `object`) - (create a block asynchronously) - **Create** - (dereference the `object`) - **Create EncryptedMessage** -- creates an encrypted message - (tries to find a device id) - (extracts `messageType`, `cipherText`, `digest`, `messageFranking`) - **Create `object`** -- creates a status - (rejected if) - (unsupported object type) - (`object` is a string) - (not in supported types) - Note - Question - (not in converted types) - Image - Audio - Video - Article - Page - Event - (or invalid origin) - (or tombstone exists for `object` uri) - (or not related to local activity) - **Delete** - (if `actor` matches `object`) - **Delete `object`** -- delete your own account - **Delete `object`** -- delete a status - (create tombstone unless origin is invalid) - (forward deletion if forwardable) - (remove status from database and timelines) - **Flag** - (`object` array is resolved as accounts and statuses) - (then filtered for local) - **Flag `object`** -- report an account and/or statuses - (foreach account get reported statuses) - (create a report against the account w/ optional status ids and content) - **Follow** - (`object` must be a local account that exists) - **Follow `object`** -- request to follow a local account - (create or update follow request) - (auto-reject if:) - (`object` is blocking `actor`) - (`object` is domain-blocking `actor`'s domain) - (`object` has moved/redirected) - (`object` is the instance actor) - (send an Accept Follow if a follow already exists) - (otherwise create a follow request) - (if you are silenced or they are locked, send frq notification) - (otherwise send Accept Follow and follow notification) - **Like** - (resolve status from `object`) - **Like `object`** -- favourite a status - (stop if:) - (no status resolved) - (status is not from a local account) - (delete arrived first) - (you already favourited this status) - (create a favourite by `actor` for `object`) - **Move** - (`actor` must match `object` and resolve to account) - (resolve `target` as account) - **Move `object` to `target`** -- migrate your followers - (stop if:) - (no `target`) - (`target` is suspended) - (`target.alsoKnownAs` doesn't include `object`) - (set a redirect) - (async move followers from `object` to `target`) - **Reject** - **Reject Follow** -- reject a follow request or remove follower - (when relay is findable by `object` as follow_activity_id) - (when `object` is uri of existing follow request) - (when `object` is uri of existing follow) - (call UnfollowService for `actor`) - (when `object` is embedded Follow) - **Reject Follow `Follow.object`** - **Remove** - (must have `target`) - (`target` must be a `toot:featured` collection) - (`object` must be inlined?) - **Remove Hashtag from `target`** -- unfeature a hashtag - (takes `object.name` and removes prefix `#`) - (deletes FeaturedTag entity for the `actor`'s account) - **Remove `object` from `target`** -- unpin a status - (`object` must be transformable to status) - (status must be authored by `actor`) - (destroy pin if existing pin found) - **Undo** - (`object` should be inlined or else it may not be handled) - **Undo Announce** -- unreblog a status - (stop if no `Announce.id`) - (resolve `Announce.id` as status reblog) - (call RemoveStatusService on status) - **Undo Accept** -- unfollow an account [yes this is the assumption] - (find follow by `object.object.id` and revoke it) - **Undo Follow** - (resolve `object.object` as account) - (stop if not exists or not local) - **Undo Follow ``** -- unfollow an account - (`Undo.actor` unfollows `Follow.object` if following) - **Undo Like** - (resolve `object.object` as status) - (stop if no status or if status is not local) - **Undo Like ``** -- unfavourite a status - (if `actor` has favourited the status:) - (find a favourite on that status by that account) - (destroy it) - **Undo Block** - (resolve `object.object` as account) - (stop if not exists or not local) - **Undo Block ``** --unblock an account - (call UnblockService if `actor` is blocking `Block.object`) - **Undo `object`** - (try_undo_announce) - (find reblogged status by `object` uri and `actor`) - (if found, remove reblog and stop, else continue) - (try_undo_accept) - (do nothing, continue) [because Accept uri is not stored] - (try_undo_follow) - (find `actor` follow request/relation by `object` uri) - (if found, destroy it and stop, else continue) - (try_undo_like) - (do nothing, continue) ["too costly", no index by Like uri] - (try_undo_block) - (find `actor` block by `object` uri) - (if found, call UnblockService and stop, else continue) - **Update** - (dereference `object`) - (if `object.type` in `Application Group Organization Person Service`) - **Update `object`** -- update an account's info - (stop if `actor.id` does not match `object.id`) - (call ProcessAccountService) - (else if `object.type` in `Note Question`) - **Update `object`** -- edit a status - (stop if invalid origin) - (resolve `object` as status) - (stop if no status) - (call ProcessStatusUpdateService)