+++ +++ i hate that it's so hard to find advice on how to make a personal website if you go searching, all you find is SEO bullshit about "personal brands" and "sales funnel" crap for people with portfolios trying to sell you something or get you to hire them where's the advice on how to make a personal website? a noncommercial one, i mean. one that's about a person. self-expression. how to self-reflect and introspect and know yourself. how to identify and introduce yourself. how to be genuinely engaging. stuff that gets to the heart of who you are. i suppose part of this is the difficulty in finding purpose with such a website. good communication has occasion-purpose-audience, and you might be able to figure out occasion and audience (someone visits your profile and wants to read more about you?), but not purpose (why are they here and what do i want to tell them?)