This commit is contained in:
a 2023-07-04 13:35:38 -05:00
parent 2da5c24fc3
commit 57730c1d8a
7 changed files with 63 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -55,4 +55,20 @@ semantics aside, i think functionally the difference is really the fallback
- a Note with inReplyTo + quoteReply=true would fall back to a regular reply. this means that when reply controls get added, you get quote control "for free"
the other functional difference between those two is whether the "quote" gets added to `shares` or to `replies`
the other functional difference between those two is whether the "quote" gets added to `shares` or to `replies`
also tangentially i've thought about what people think a quote is vs what it actually is, the dimensions, its primary function, etc
to me, the way i see quotes is essentially as a "loud reply" or as a "breakout thread".
the former use-case could be handled by reply+boost. this is actually very easy in the API: just make a button that fires off 2 API calls.
the latter could be handled by copypasting a link into a new post. this is much harder to detect and display. optinally mention
really the problem with twitter "quote tweets" is that they conflated the two use-cases
you were *always* notified, regardless of whether someone was talking "about" you or "to" you (no consideration for replies)
plus the fact it was a new thread was stripping context, you could no longer see all the posts in one thread ("breaking out" isn't always wanted)

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
if/when i get around to building [untitled social app] i want to set some hard design expectations for it before even thinking about if/when/how to release it (and which parts of it). there's a lot of expectations i want to challenge, i don't want to take anything for granted. if anything, whatever i build will simply be the practical application of my grand unified communication theory. it's as much an experiment and learning process as it is a tool or utility.
which is to say: any code i write or software i build, it will not be the primary product. the primary product will be the documentation and reasoning behind it. it will be in researching existing protocols and ecosystems, then identifying how they map onto the theoretical patterns and structures. nail the recipe before baking the cake.

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@ -42,4 +42,10 @@ here on the World Wide Web you have two threats: capitalist enclosure, and toxic
in short, "social media" is a failed model invented by capitalists. what we need is a "social web". focus on people, not "content".
want to entertain yourself? that's fine, there can be media hubs and curators for that. but your communications and your media consumption should be separate.
want to entertain yourself? that's fine, there can be media hubs and curators for that. but your communications and your media consumption should be separate.
honestly as much as meta gets tiring, at least these are conversations that can actually be had with a nonzero chance at actually shaping things.
you think twitter or instagram gives a shit what its users want or think? nope, it's all about driving ad revenue

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
date = 2023-02-06
published = 2023-02-06T00:56:00Z
to what extent can it be said that the primary value of mastodon is in its api
mastodon isn't really all that special in the fediverse or as a software, because you have so many options and differing implementations of the activitypub protocol. but the second you try to have a mobile app, you immediately recognize the value of the mastodon api. it's a pseudo-standard at this point because it mostly just works, and pleroma/pixelfed/gotosocial copied it for compatibility with existing clients. it's a shame it isn't a real standard...
or, rather, what would a real standardized microblogging api look like? the nearest thing is probably micropub/microsub which doesn't quite do as much

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
`preferredUsername` is expected to map back into webfinger but there are additional length and character restrictions placed on top of it, and these vary between projects

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diving back into openid specs to wrap my head around how this whole "identity provider" thing might work
i have a webfinger server which is like step 1 for the intended flow -- ask webfinger for an account's link rel oidc issuer, then `GET /.well-known/openid-configuration` to find endpoints and other such info. the only real gap seems to be a major one: scope. there's no standardized definition for scope except for `profile` `email` `phone` and `address` as defined by OIDC-CORE...
this is obviously not good enough for resource control, so it seems i might be firmly in extension territory
i am not an expert here but my naive concept would be to replicate unix acls for directories and subdirectories? you can read this https uri and all children, or you can get write access. but i'd really like to do things in a more ocappy way if feasible

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ i suppose part of this is the difficulty in finding purpose with such a website.
it's so hard to find inspiration for good design, partly because people pump out so much bad design and try to promote it for profit
all the stuff that floats to the top of the SEO bullshit puddle is really cookie-cutter website templates from some listicle titled "25 best free templates" or "40 free site themes" or whatever
@ -21,4 +23,12 @@ the thing that really gets to me though is that it's so hard to tell a narrative
i mean, who am i? who is a? what information do i *really* want to impart on anyone who wants to know more about me? no clue...
and then if i manage to come up with some info about me: how do i present that visually? ordering, layout, style, etc. and also, what story am i telling? how do i tell it?
and then if i manage to come up with some info about me: how do i present that visually? ordering, layout, style, etc. and also, what story am i telling? how do i tell it?
also i guess when it comes to myself, i feel like i have a lack of content. nothing to really show for myself. just looking at my website and it feels incomplete, a bit lacking, with no clearly visible shortcoming or way to fix it, but i can feel it nonetheless
the reason why i have an easier time solving other people's problems than my own is that it's easier to think outside the box when you're not the one in the box