{{ replaceRE `(?s)
{{ "" | safeHTML }}
{{- define "head" }} {{- end }} {{- define "body" }}
{{ partial "site-header.html" . }}{{.}}
{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- with (index .Site.Data.people "trwnh.com").a }}{{/* TODO: make author a variable instead of assuming it's always me. also maybe support multiple authors */}} {{- end }} {{- with .Date }}Published
{{- end }} {{- with .Params.inReplyTo }} {{- range . }} {{- if .}} {{- $name := or .name "[link]" }} {{- $href := "" }} {{- if .pageRef }} {{- $href = ref $ .pageRef }} {{- else }} {{- $href = .url }} {{- end }} {{- partial "mf2/u-in-reply-to.html" . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .Permalink }} {{- end }} {{- with .Params.syndication }} {{- end }} {{- /* {{ with .Params.source }} {{ $type := (printf "%T" .) }} {{ if eq $type "string"}} {{ if (findRE "^http" .) }} {{ end}} {{ end }} {{ if eq $type "[]string"}} {{ end }} {{ end }} */}}