
140 lines
11 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
<main id="code">
<header class="section page-header">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="title">check out some of the code i've written.</h1>
<div id="gitea" class="explainer">
<div class="image">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="16" viewBox="0 0 2240 1792">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M365.814 256.033c-80.77-.23-174.758 28.37-247.533 93.332C45.507 414.33-5.459 515.927.468 659.21c9.228 223.095 116.556 347.02 241.385 413.903 121.864 65.293 259.55 77.271 341.309 79.467 6.075 22.373 20.605 53.19 41.24 88.794 22.617 39.021 52.476 83.218 86.237 125.355 67.52 84.276 149.666 161.198 224.778 169.267h614.778c96.394-7.216 183.852-91.338 258.812-210.925 74.96-119.587 137.637-275.74 182.444-431.18 44.808-155.44 71.718-310.045 74.6-426.875 1.44-58.414-3.015-107.346-14.834-142.878-5.91-17.766-13.683-32.287-24.042-42.774-10.36-10.486-23.609-16.672-38.437-17.01l-.311-.006h-.313c-337.54 17.872-537.496 26.865-708.892 28.377V682.72l-53.502-26.574-.356-363.22c-196.715-.1-369.84-10.354-698.87-28.58l-.184-.009-.185-.002c-40.235-.43-97.974-8.164-160.312-8.342zm22.4 172.51c3.664 0 7.49 0 11.265.1 21.927 217.03 57.703 349.276 127.414 541.945-88.094-12.62-168.73-34.048-230.92-77.682-65.365-45.861-111.249-115.832-125.726-228.654-7.647-59.598 2.08-119.8 37.762-164.15 33.452-41.58 90.067-70.34 180.205-71.54zm729.623 214.068c13.174.1 26.557 3.011 39.24 9.174l63.954 31.074-45.88 93.968a57.354 57.354 0 0 0-20.566 3.315 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-34.542 73.388 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 9.503 16.703l-79.045 161.895a57.354 57.354 0 0 0-19.008 3.32 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-34.538 73.389 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 73.387 34.54 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 34.541-73.388 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-13.468-21.105l77.029-157.766a57.354 57.354 0 0 0 24.99-3.049 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 18.224-10.699c30.01 14.23 53.952 25.373 71.541 35.162 26.351 14.668 35.672 24.346 38.496 35.014 2.824 10.667-.312 30.978-15.185 66.703-11.338 27.233-28.654 62.702-51.112 108.785a57.354 57.354 0 0 0-21.47 3.308 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-34.54 73.39 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 73.388 34.539 57.354 57.354 0 0 0 34.54-73.388 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-11.722-19.289c22.242-45.59 39.623-81.153 51.765-110.32 16.026-38.496 24.462-67.304 17.119-95.043-7.345-27.74-29.958-45.76-59.774-62.355-19.75-10.992-43.966-22.274-73.47-36.23a57.354 57.354 0 0 0-3.262-22.964 57.354 57.354 0 0 0-12.43-20.025l45.172-92.515 249.678 121.316c45.096 21.911 63.76 75.857 41.848 120.954l-171.672 353.314c-21.912 45.096-75.856 63.761-120.952 41.849l-353.315-171.673c-45.096-21.912-63.76-75.855-41.848-120.952l171.672-353.316c15.75-32.413 48.046-51.172 81.712-51.023z"/>
<p>I host my own code with <a href="https://git.trwnh.com">Gitea</a>. currently, i host the source code for
some websites i've built, including this one.</p>
<div id="github" class="explainer">
<div class="image">
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8 0C3.58 0 0 3.58 0 8C0 11.54 2.29 14.53 5.47 15.59C5.87 15.66 6.02 15.42 6.02 15.21C6.02 15.02 6.01 14.39 6.01 13.72C4 14.09 3.48 13.23 3.32 12.78C3.23 12.55 2.84 11.84 2.5 11.65C2.22 11.5 1.82 11.13 2.49 11.12C3.12 11.11 3.57 11.7 3.72 11.94C4.44 13.15 5.59 12.81 6.05 12.6C6.12 12.08 6.33 11.73 6.56 11.53C4.78 11.33 2.92 10.64 2.92 7.58C2.92 6.71 3.23 5.99 3.74 5.43C3.66 5.23 3.38 4.41 3.82 3.31C3.82 3.31 4.49 3.1 6.02 4.13C6.66 3.95 7.34 3.86 8.02 3.86C8.7 3.86 9.38 3.95 10.02 4.13C11.55 3.09 12.22 3.31 12.22 3.31C12.66 4.41 12.38 5.23 12.3 5.43C12.81 5.99 13.12 6.7 13.12 7.58C13.12 10.65 11.25 11.33 9.47 11.53C9.76 11.78 10.01 12.26 10.01 13.01C10.01 14.08 10 14.94 10 15.21C10 15.42 10.15 15.67 10.55 15.59C13.71 14.53 16 11.53 16 8C16 3.58 12.42 0 8 0Z" transform="scale(64)" fill="currentColor"/>
<p>i also have a <a href="https://github.com/trwnh">Github</a> account. i mainly use this account to
contribute to open-source projects using pull requests instead of sending patch files via email.</p>
<section class="section" id="projects">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="title"><a href="#projects">#</a>Original projects</h2>
<section class="project-list">
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ if not (in .Params.tags "pull request") }}
<a class="project {{ .Permalink | relURL | anchorize }}" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ with .Params.cover }}
<img width=280 class="project__image" src="{{.}}">
<h3 class="project__title">{{ .Title }}</h3>
<p class="project__summary">{{.Summary}}</p>
<!--datetime class="project__date">{{ .Date.Format "January 2, 2006" }}</datetime-->
<span class="project__hint">Read more</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<section class="section" id="contributions">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="title"><a href="#contributions">#</a>Contributions to other projects</h2>
<section class="contribution-list">
{{ range where .Pages ".Params.tags" "intersect" (slice "pull request") }}
<article class="pr {{ .Permalink | relURL | anchorize }}">
<a class="pr__link" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ partial "pr-icon" . }}
<h3 class="pr__title">{{ .Title }}</h3>
<p class="pr__summary">{{.Summary}}</p>
{{ end }}
<article class="commit pixelfed-docs">
<a href="https://github.com/pixelfed/docs/commits?author=trwnh" class="commit__link">
{{ partial "commit-icon" . }}
<h3 class="commit__title">pixelfed/docs</h3>
<p class="commit__summary">59 commits</p>
<article class="commit pixelfed">
<a href="https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/commits?author=trwnh" class="commit__link">
{{ partial "commit-icon" . }}
<h3 class="commit__title">pixelfed/pixelfed</h3>
<p class="commit__summary">57 commits</p>
<article class="commit mastodon">
<a href="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/commits?author=trwnh" class="commit__link">
{{ partial "commit-icon" . }}
<h3 class="commit__title">mastodon/mastodon</h3>
<p class="commit__summary">18 commits</p>
<article class="commit mastodocs">
<a href="https://github.com/mastodon/documentation/commits?author=trwnh" class="commit__link">
{{ partial "commit-icon" . }}
<h3 class="commit__title">mastodon/documentation</h3>
<p class="commit__summary">13 commits</p>
<section class="section" id="support">
<div class="container">
<h2 class="title"><a href="#support">#</a>Support me.</h2>
<p>If you appreciate any of what I've done, please send me money. Your contributions and generosity will
directly fund my creative efforts, which would otherwise go unpaid. The more I receive, the more time I can
justifiably devote to continuing to do what I do.</p>
<div id="liberapay" class="explainer">
<div class="image">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 80 80" width=16 height=16><g transform="translate(-78.37-208.06)" fill="currentColor"><path d="m104.28 271.1c-3.571 0-6.373-.466-8.41-1.396-2.037-.93-3.495-2.199-4.375-3.809-.88-1.609-1.308-3.457-1.282-5.544.025-2.086.313-4.311.868-6.675l9.579-40.05 11.69-1.81-10.484 43.44c-.202.905-.314 1.735-.339 2.489-.026.754.113 1.421.415 1.999.302.579.817 1.044 1.546 1.395.729.353 1.747.579 3.055.679l-2.263 9.278"/><path d="m146.52 246.14c0 3.671-.604 7.03-1.811 10.07-1.207 3.043-2.879 5.669-5.01 7.881-2.138 2.213-4.702 3.935-7.693 5.167-2.992 1.231-6.248 1.848-9.767 1.848-1.71 0-3.42-.151-5.129-.453l-3.394 13.651h-11.162l12.52-52.19c2.01-.603 4.311-1.143 6.901-1.622 2.589-.477 5.393-.716 8.41-.716 2.815 0 5.242.428 7.278 1.282 2.037.855 3.708 2.024 5.02 3.507 1.307 1.484 2.274 3.219 2.904 5.205.627 1.987.942 4.11.942 6.373m-27.378 15.461c.854.202 1.91.302 3.167.302 1.961 0 3.746-.364 5.355-1.094 1.609-.728 2.979-1.747 4.111-3.055 1.131-1.307 2.01-2.877 2.64-4.714.628-1.835.943-3.858.943-6.071 0-2.161-.479-3.998-1.433-5.506-.956-1.508-2.615-2.263-4.978-2.263-1.61 0-3.118.151-4.525.453l-5.28 21.948"/></g></svg>
<p>Recurring or one-time donation via Liberapay: <a
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 180 180" width=16 height=16>
d="M108.8135992 26.06720125c-26.468266 0-48.00213212 21.53066613-48.00213212 47.99733213 0 26.38653268 21.53386613 47.85426547 48.00213213 47.85426547 26.38639937 0 47.8530655-21.4677328 47.8530655-47.85426547 0-26.466666-21.46666613-47.99733213-47.85306547-47.99733213"
d="M23.333335 153.93333178V26.0666679h23.46666576v127.8666639z"
<p>Monthly patronage on Patreon: <a href="https://patreon.com/trwnh">patreon.com/trwnh</a></p>
<div id="paypal" class="explainer">
<div class="image">
<svg width=16 height=16 viewBox="0 0 1536 1728" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M1519 646c13 60 10 129-4 204-65 330-284 444-565 444h-44c-34 0-62 25-68 59l-4 19-55 346-2 15c-7 34-35 59-69 59H457c-28 0-46-23-42-51 18-112 35-224 53-336s36-223 54-335c3-24 19-37 43-37 40 0 80-1 131 0 72 1 155-3 236-21 108-24 206-68 287-144 73-68 122-152 155-246 15-44 27-88 35-133 2-12 5-10 12-5 55 41 86 96 98 162zm-172-282c0 82-19 160-46 236-52 151-150 259-302 315-81 29-166 41-252 42-60 1-120 0-180 0-65 0-106 32-118 96-14 76-69 430-85 530-1 7-4 10-12 10H57c-30 0-52-26-48-55L241 67c6-38 40-67 79-67h598c43 0 142 19 209 45 142 55 220 167 220 319z"/>
<p>For direct, one-time contributions, you can use Paypal with my email address <b>a@trwnh.com</b></p>
<div id="cashapp" class="explainer">
<div class="image">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="app-icon" width=16 height=16 viewBox="8 8 48 48"><path d="M42.47 23.8c.5.5 1.33.5 1.8-.0l2.5-2.6c.53-.5.5-1.4-.06-1.94a19.73 19.73 0 0 0-6.72-3.84l.79-3.8c.17-.83-.45-1.61-1.28-1.61h-4.84a1.32 1.32 0 0 0-1.28 1.06l-.7 3.38c-6.44.33-11.9 3.6-11.9 10.3 0 5.8 4.51 8.29 9.28 10 4.51 1.72 6.9 2.36 6.9 4.78 0 2.49-2.38 3.95-5.9 3.95-3.2 0-6.56-1.07-9.16-3.68a1.3 1.3 0 0 0-1.84-.0l-2.7 2.7a1.36 1.36 0 0 0 .0 1.92c2.1 2.07 4.76 3.57 7.792 4.4l-.74 3.57c-.17.83.44 1.6 1.27 1.61l4.85.04a1.32 1.32 0 0 0 1.3-1.06l.7-3.39C40.28 49.07 45 44.8 45 38.57c0-5.74-4.7-8.16-10.4-10.13-3.26-1.21-6.08-2.04-6.08-4.53 0-2.42 2.63-3.38 5.27-3.38 3.36 0 6.59 1.39 8.7 3.29z" fill="currentColor"/></svg>
<p>You can also use Cashapp if you'd prefer: <a href="https://cash.me/$trwnh">$trwnh</a></p>
{{ end }}