{{/*=== title ===*/}} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- with .Site.Title }} {{- end -}} {{- $firstH1 := partial "name.html" . }} {{- $title := or .Title $firstH1 $.File.ContentBaseName }} {{- $name := or .Params.name (print $title " - " .Site.Title) }} {{- if .IsHome}} {{- $name = or .Params.name .Site.Title }} {{- end }} {{- with $name }} {{ . }} {{- end -}} {{/*=== description ===*/}} {{- with or .Description .Summary .Site.Params.description }} {{- end }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- with .Permalink | absURL}} {{- end -}} {{/*=== image ===*/}} {{- $cover := ($.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "{*cover*,*thumbnail*,*featured*}" -}} {{ $icon := resources.GetMatch (default "" .Site.Params.icon) -}} {{- $staticIcon := "icon.png" | absURL -}} {{- with or $cover $icon }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- with .Width }} {{- end }} {{- with .Height }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- end -}} {{/*=== author ===*/}} {{ with or .Params.author .Site.Params.author -}} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- end -}} {{/*=== published and updated ===*/}} {{ "" | safeHTML -}} {{ with .Date }} {{ end -}} {{ with .Lastmod -}} {{ end -}} {{/*=== section and keywords ===*/}} {{- "" | safeHTML }} {{ with.Params.category -}} {{- end -}} {{- with .Params.tags }} {{- end -}} {{- if isset .Params "date" }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- else }} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{- end -}} {{/* auxiliary info */}} {{ "" | safeHTML }} {{ with $icon }} {{- else -}} {{- end }} {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* robots */}} {{- "" | safeHTML }}