add support for multiple authors

This commit is contained in:
a 2024-06-05 12:34:11 -05:00
parent e349d0417e
commit 4092c18685

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@ -11,10 +11,14 @@
(updated on <time class="dt-updated updated" datetime="{{ .Lastmod.Format " 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" }}">
{{ .Date.Format "2006 January 02" }}
</time>) {{ end -}}
by <span class="h-card vcard p-author">
<a class="u-url url p-name fn" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" rel="author">
<span class="p-given-name given-name">Abdullah</span> <span class="p-family-name family-name">Tarawneh</span></a>
</span> {{ with .GetTerms "categories" }}into {{ range $k, $v := . }}{{- if $k }}, {{ end }}<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" rel="category" class="p-category">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ with .GetTerms "authors" }}
{{ range $k, $v := . }} {{- if $k }}, {{ end }}<span class="h-card vcard p-author">
<a class="u-url url p-name fn" href="{{ .Permalink }}" rel="author">{{.Title}}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .GetTerms "categories" }}into {{ range $k, $v := . }}{{- if $k }}, {{ end }}<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" rel="category" class="p-category">{{ .Title }}</a>{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "page/tags-list.html" . }}