# umi a self-hostable single-guild discord bot for playing music and announcing vc channel joins/leaves ## Pre-requisites Install dependencies: - FFI: `libffi` - NaCl: `libnacl` or `libsodium` Copy `.env.example` to `.env`: - `DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN` is obtained from the [Discord Developer Dashboard](https://discord.com/developers/applications) - Click or create an application - Get your token from the "Bot" section in the sidebar menu - `DISCORD_GUILD_ID` is obtained from within the Discord app - Settings > Advanced > Developer Mode: enabled - Right click the guild and select "Copy ID" - `DISCORD_BOT_ADMIN_ROLE_ID` for reloading cogs - `DISCORD_BOT_ADMIN_USER_ID` for reloading cogs - `DISCORD_VCJOIN_CHANNEL` for the VCJoin cog ## Setup ### ...with pdm ```sh pdm install --prod pdm run python app.py ``` ### ...with requirements.txt #### ....and pipenv ```sh pipenv install pipenv run python app.py ``` #### ....and virtualenv ```sh virtualenv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt python app.py ```