import discord import pymumble_py3 as pymumble """ Declare intents that the bot will use """ intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.emojis_and_stickers = True intents.guilds = True intents.integrations = True intents.message_content = True intents.messages = True intents.members = True intents.presences = True intents.reactions = True intents.voice_states = True """ Load the bot token """ from dotenv import load_dotenv from os import getenv load_dotenv() DISCORD_TOKEN = getenv("DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN") DISCORD_GUILD = int(getenv("DISCORD_GUILD_ID")) """ Initialize the Discord bot """ from discord.ext.commands import Bot, when_mentioned_or bot = Bot( command_prefix=when_mentioned_or('..', '>', '.'), description="A list of commands available", intents=intents, # debug_guilds=[GUILD], max_messages=100_000 ) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Logged in as {bot.user} (ID: {})") print("------") """ Load cogs """ from os import listdir def list_all_cogs() -> list[str]: return [file[:-3] for file in listdir("cogs") if file.endswith(".py")] for cog in list_all_cogs(): bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{cog}") # TODO: web server for jukebox and/or soundboard? # TODO: cog to announce when someone joins vc (maybe delete messages after some time?) # TODO: purge messages from a user / etc? links, number, bot or human, idk # TODO: automod? blocklist certain words or urls or whatever # TODO: warn or kick or ban a user? # TODO: filter the audit logs for a user? maybe? # TODO: keep stats or levels? ehhhh # ================================= ADMIN ====================================== from discord.commands import Option from discord.ext.commands import Context from discord import AutocompleteContext, ApplicationContext async def cog_autocomplete(ctx: AutocompleteContext): return [cog for cog in list_all_cogs() if cog.lower().startswith( ctx.value.lower() )] ROLE_ADMIN = 518625964763119616 ROLE_ADMIN_SFW = 727205354353721374 ME = 201046736565829632 def allowed_to_reload(ctx: Context | ApplicationContext): roles = [ for role in] admin = ROLE_ADMIN in roles sfw_admin = ROLE_ADMIN_SFW in roles owner = == ME return any([admin, sfw_admin, owner]) from import Music def reload_music(ctx): music: Music = bot.get_cog("Music") q = music.q track = music.track repeat_mode = music.repeat_mode search_results = music.search_results bot.reload_extension(f"") music = bot.get_cog("Music") music.q = q music.track = track music.repeat_mode = repeat_mode music.search_results = search_results @bot.command(name='reload') async def reload_prefix(ctx: Context, cog: str = None): """Reload an extension (admin command)""" if not allowed_to_reload(ctx): return await ctx.send( "You must be an admin or bot owner to use this command" ) if not cog: return await ctx.send("Please specify a cog to reload") elif cog.lower() == "music": reload_music(ctx) else: bot.reload_extension(f"cogs.{cog}") await ctx.send(f"Reloaded `{cog}` extension") @bot.slash_command( name='reload', guild_ids=[DISCORD_GUILD], ) async def reload_slash( ctx: ApplicationContext, cog: Option(str, "The cog to be reloaded", autocomplete=cog_autocomplete) ): """Reload an extension (admin command)""" if not allowed_to_reload(ctx): return await ctx.respond( "You must be an admin or bot owner to use this command", ephemeral=True ) if cog == "music": reload_music(ctx) else: bot.reload_extension(f"cogs.{cog}") await ctx.respond(f"Reloaded `{cog}` extension", ephemeral=True) # ================================== END ======================================= """ Run the bot """