{{- /* print layout */ -}} {{- $print := resources.Get "styles/print.scss" | toCSS | minify | fingerprint }} {{- /* web layout */ -}} {{- $theme := resources.Get "styles/screen.scss" | toCSS }} {{- with resources.Get "styles/custom.scss" }} {{- $custom := . | toCSS }} {{- $screen := slice $theme $custom | resources.Concat "assets/screen.css" | minify | fingerprint }} {{- else }} {{- $screen := $theme | minify | fingerprint }} {{- end }} {{- /* scripts */ -}} {{- $theme := resources.Get "scripts/main.js" | js.Build "script.js" | minify | fingerprint }} {{ with resources.Get "scripts/custom.js" }} {{ $custom := . }} {{ $script := slice $theme $custom | resources.Concat "assets/main.js" | js.Build "script.js" | minify | fingerprint}} {{ else }} {{ $script := $theme | js.Build "script.js" | minify | fingerprint}} {{ end }} {{/* optional features */ -}} {{ partial "styles/external-links.html" . }} {{ if .Site.Params.borders }} {{ partial "styles/borders.html" . }} {{ end -}} {{- /* import Fork Awesome (TODO: replace with proper SVG icons?) */ -}} {{ partial "seo.html" . -}} {{- block "head" . -}} {{ end }} {{ partial "site-header.html" . }} {{ block "main" . }} {{ end }} {{ partial "site-footer.html" . }}