adj = {} with open("input.txt") as f: for line in'\n'): [node1, node2] = line.split('-') if node1 not in adj: adj[node1] = set() if node2 not in adj: adj[node2] = set() if node1 in adj and node2 in adj: adj[node1].add(node2) adj[node2].add(node1) search = [['start']] paths = [] while search: path = search.pop() current = path[-1] for cave in adj[current]: if cave == 'end': paths.append(path+[cave]) elif cave.isupper() or cave not in path: search.append(path+[cave]) print(len(paths)) search = [(['start'], True)] paths = [] while search: path, flag = search.pop() current = path[-1] for cave in adj[current]: if cave == 'end': paths.append(path+[cave]) elif cave == 'start': continue # skip this case bc we can't go back elif cave.isupper() or cave not in path: # big cave or unvisited, search.append((path+[cave],flag)) # so explore further elif flag: # we still haven't visited a cave twice, search.append((path+[cave],False)) # so go there and explore, but remember we've used our exception print(len(paths))