def read_file(): with open("input.txt","r") as f: seed ='\n') # pad with floor to prevent out-of-bounds checks seats = [] seats.append(list('.' * (len(seed[0])+2))) for row in seed: seats.append(list('.' + row + '.')) seats.append(list('.' * (len(seed[0])+2))) return seats def check_neighbors(state,i,j): a = state[i-1][j-1] b = state[i-1][j] c = state[i-1][j+1] d = state[i][j-1] e = state[i][j+1] f = state[i+1][j-1] g = state[i+1][j] h = state[i+1][j+1] return a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h from copy import deepcopy def find_steady_state(seats): height = len(seats) width = len(seats[0]) state = deepcopy(seats) prev_state = deepcopy(seats) while True: for i in range(height): for j in range(width): cell = prev_state[i][j] if cell == ".": pass elif cell == "L": # check for no occupied seats neighbors = check_neighbors(prev_state,i,j) if "#" not in neighbors: state[i][j] = "#" else: state[i][j] = "L" elif cell == "#": # check for 4+ occupied seats neighbors = check_neighbors(prev_state,i,j) if neighbors.count("#") > 3: state[i][j] = "L" else: state[i][j] = "#" if state == prev_state: break prev_state = deepcopy(state) return state def part1(seats): final_state = find_steady_state(seats) output = '' for row in final_state: for character in row: output += character return output.count("#") def check_line_of_sight(state,i,j): height = len(state) width = len(state[0]) a = "." n = 1 while a == "." and i-n >= 0 and j-n >= 0: a = state[i-n][j-n] n += 1 b = "." n = 1 while b == "." and i-n >= 0: b = state[i-n][j] n += 1 c = "." n = 1 while c == "." and i-n >= 0 and j+n < width: c = state[i-n][j+n] n += 1 d = "." n = 1 while d == "." and j-n >= 0: d = state[i][j-n] n += 1 e = "." n = 1 while e == "." and j+n < width: e = state[i][j+n] n += 1 f = "." n = 1 while f == "." and i+n < height and j-n >= 0: f = state[i+n][j-n] n += 1 g = "." n = 1 while g == "." and i+n < height: g = state[i+n][j] n += 1 h = "." n = 1 while h == "." and i+n < height and j+n < width: h = state[i+n][j+n] n += 1 return a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h def find_steady_state_2(seats): height = len(seats) width = len(seats[0]) state = deepcopy(seats) prev_state = deepcopy(seats) while True: for i in range(height): for j in range(width): cell = prev_state[i][j] if cell == ".": pass elif cell == "L": # check for no occupied seats neighbors = check_line_of_sight(prev_state,i,j) if "#" not in neighbors: state[i][j] = "#" else: state[i][j] = "L" elif cell == "#": # check for 4+ occupied seats neighbors = check_line_of_sight(prev_state,i,j) if neighbors.count("#") > 4: state[i][j] = "L" else: state[i][j] = "#" if state == prev_state: break prev_state = deepcopy(state) return state def part2(seats): pass final_state = find_steady_state_2(seats) output = '' for row in final_state: for character in row: output += character return output.count("#") def main(): seats = read_file() print(part1(seats), part2(seats)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()