def read_file(): with open("input.txt","r") as f: return'\n') import re def compute(problem): """Add and multiply at the same precedence.""" problem = problem.replace(" ","") # handle parens if s :='(\((\d+)(([+*])(\d+))+\))',problem): expr = s.groups()[0] recurser = str(compute(s.groups()[0][1:-1])) problem = problem.replace(expr, recurser, 1) return compute(problem) # handle ops if s := re.match(r"(\d+)([+*])(\d+)", problem): a, op, b = s.groups() expr = reducer = str( int(a) + int(b) if op == "+" else int(a) * int(b) ) problem = problem.replace(expr, reducer, 1) return compute(problem) return int(problem) def compute2(problem): """Add, then multiply.""" problem = problem.replace(" ","") # handle parens if s :='(\((\d+)(([+*])(\d+))+\))',problem): expr = s.groups()[0] recurser = str(compute2(s.groups()[0][1:-1])) problem = problem.replace(expr, recurser, 1) return compute2(problem) # handle add if s :="(\d+)\+(\d+)", problem): expr = print(s.groups()[1]) reducer = str(int(s.groups()[0]) + int(s.groups()[1])) problem = problem.replace(expr, reducer, 1) return compute2(problem) # handle multiply if s := re.match(r"(\d+)\*(\d+)", problem): expr = reducer = str(int(s.groups()[0]) * int(s.groups()[1])) problem = problem.replace(expr, reducer, 1) return compute2(problem) return int(problem) def part1(problems): return sum([compute(problem) for problem in problems]) def part2(problems): return sum([compute2(problem) for problem in problems]) def main(): problems = read_file() print(part1(problems), part2(problems)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()