
151 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-12-11 20:55:35 +00:00
def read_file():
with open("input_sample.txt","r") as f:
seed ='\n')
# pad with floor to prevent out-of-bounds checks
seats = []
seats.append(list('.' * (len(seed[0])+2)))
for row in seed:
seats.append(list('.' + row + '.'))
seats.append(list('.' * (len(seed[0])+2)))
return seats
def check_neighbors(state,i,j):
a = state[i-1][j-1]
b = state[i-1][j]
c = state[i-1][j+1]
d = state[i][j-1]
e = state[i][j+1]
f = state[i+1][j-1]
g = state[i+1][j]
h = state[i+1][j+1]
return a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h
from copy import deepcopy
def find_steady_state(seats):
height = len(seats)
width = len(seats[0])
state = deepcopy(seats)
prev_state = deepcopy(seats)
while True:
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
cell = prev_state[i][j]
if cell == ".":
elif cell == "L":
# check for no occupied seats
neighbors = check_neighbors(prev_state,i,j)
if "#" not in neighbors:
state[i][j] = "#"
state[i][j] = "L"
elif cell == "#":
# check for 4+ occupied seats
neighbors = check_neighbors(prev_state,i,j)
if neighbors.count("#") > 3:
state[i][j] = "L"
state[i][j] = "#"
if state == prev_state:
prev_state = deepcopy(state)
return state
def part1(seats):
final_state = find_steady_state(seats)
output = ''
for row in final_state:
for character in row:
output += character
return output.count("#")
def check_line_of_sight(state,i,j):
height = len(state)
width = len(state[0])
a = "."
n = 1
while a == "." and i-n >= 0 and j-n >= 0:
a = state[i-n][j-n]
n += 1
b = "."
n = 1
while b == "." and i-n >= 0:
b = state[i-n][j]
n += 1
c = "."
n = 1
while c == "." and i-n >= 0 and j+n < width:
c = state[i-n][j+n]
n += 1
d = "."
n = 1
while d == "." and j-n >= 0:
d = state[i][j-n]
n += 1
e = "."
n = 1
while e == "." and j+n < width:
e = state[i][j+n]
n += 1
f = "."
n = 1
while f == "." and i+n < height and j-n >= 0:
f = state[i+n][j-n]
n += 1
g = "."
n = 1
while g == "." and i+n < height:
g = state[i+n][j]
n += 1
h = "."
n = 1
while h == "." and i+n < height and j+n < width:
h = state[i+n][j+n]
n += 1
return a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h
def find_steady_state_2(seats):
height = len(seats)
width = len(seats[0])
state = deepcopy(seats)
prev_state = deepcopy(seats)
while True:
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
cell = prev_state[i][j]
if cell == ".":
elif cell == "L":
# check for no occupied seats
neighbors = check_line_of_sight(prev_state,i,j)
if "#" not in neighbors:
state[i][j] = "#"
state[i][j] = "L"
elif cell == "#":
# check for 4+ occupied seats
neighbors = check_line_of_sight(prev_state,i,j)
if neighbors.count("#") > 4:
state[i][j] = "L"
state[i][j] = "#"
if state == prev_state:
prev_state = deepcopy(state)
return state
def part2(seats):
final_state = find_steady_state_2(seats)
output = ''
for row in final_state:
for character in row:
output += character
return output.count("#")
def main():
seats = read_file()
print(part1(seats), part2(seats))
if __name__ == "__main__":